Sunday, January 20, 2013

How to be Alone / Aloneness is a Freedom

The Holiday Season 2012/13 was the worse it's ever been for me. My family resides in multiple states other than the one I live in. I haven't means at this time to visit any one of those places let alone all or some. Family isn't able come either. 

A good deal of my core friend base in the last year or so has significantly shifted. At the end of 2011, I really had felt a part of a community, a tribe, and I was happily looking forward to working within that tribe as this sense of belonging was something that I had been yearning for. I also felt that I had some direction because of that belonging.

But then chaos happened, misunderstandings, emotions, moves, mistakes, and other stresses which caused rifts in loves and friendships, and a more desperate scrabbling for means. I wasn't sure I knew myself, let alone what I wanted and even thought to run away from it all, despite the deepening sense of alienation that a move such as that could cause. 

The changes and transformations of last year left me in a despairing mess of loneliness that I was not sure I could shirk but lucky for me, my stubbornness kicked in and I realized what a freedom aloneness is. While everyone else was participating in the rush of the holidays, I had some space. I had some peace. I began remembering all the things that I had wanted to put in place for myself before belonging, before the chaos and the ripping apart of dreams. All was well and as it was supposed to be! I realized how much I had, what love I had around me, and I began to have a gist of all the things I have available to offer. 

I wanted to share this video because time and time again it shows up for me when I've forgotten the value of aloneness. It is beautiful, inspiring, and absolutely healing. I hope that I remember to watch it should I ever again enter a despairing and forgetful state of loneliness.  


  1. Love you, too, lady! <3 Thanks for coming by here! :)

